The Shroud's Gambit (12)Full unit name: The Shroud's Gambit
Last updated: 29.08.2024 23:57:48
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Coruscant
Known Facts (7)
It was one of the missions that was executed by Republic Operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
during the Cold War on Coruscant
The operatives were contacted by Special SIS
Strategic Information Service (SIS)
Galactic Republic (GGW, CW and GW)
Agent Deena Riss
Deena Riss
Minor Characters (TOR)
, who asked them to meet her in person on Corucant as soon as possible - she only hinted that it was important and they would need a special device for the mission. The operatives arrived on Coruscant and met with Agent Riss in her office in the Senate Tower.
Rhys thanked them for coming. She said that the SIS had lost a lot of talented agents lately and she had no choice but to turn to the operatives for help. She explained that a galactic legend has been brought out from retirement, a freelance master spy known only as "The Shroud
The Shroud
Minor Characters (TOR)
", who disappeared so long ago that by the time Riss joined the academy, everyone really believed he was just a myth.
The Shroud came back into SIS chatter after the Hutt Cartel
Hutt Cartel
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
contracted him to gather intel on Republic and Imperial interests. In his spying, the Shroud found something beyond what the Hutts were looking for - a challenge he could undertake, a weakness he could exploit - on Coruscant. Riss thought the Shroud doesn't act out of morality at all, but out of achievement, the more audacious, the better.
One of the operatives had shown their doubts that after all the Republic went through on Makeb, the Hutts
Sentient Species
despite being their allies were still plotting against them. Riss said that Hutts only hired the Shroud as a spy and they did want no part in the Shroud's plan. SIS disn't know the exact nature of the Shroud's plan on Coruscant, except that one of his top lieutenants reportedly resigned from the organization
The Shroud's Network
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
over its severity and fled to the Empire. Riss added, that she was good at her job, but without the help of operatives, she had no chance against the Shroud. The operatives agreed to help, and she explained that while the operatives would hunt the Shroud on Coruscant, she would play her role as well, coordinating their efforts remotely. Then she added, that one of SIS agents managed to intercept a shipment of the Shroud's - it were several pairs of souped-up macrobinoculars, very advanced and expensive, with data and environmental analysis, communications, even a special Miraluka
Sentient Species
interface. She gave the macrobioculars to the operatives and warned them that he was very dangerous. Then she continued - "The Shroud's data is scattered among his lieutenants. We've got a lead on one, but you'll need to identify key relay points that will help us triangulate his precise location. I'll remain in constant contact, monitoring your incoming data to keep up with your progress. Working together, I know we can stop the Shroud. Good luck." The operatives went on a mission of tracking down any information or equipment that could help to uncover the Shroud's plan.
Using macrobinoculars, the operatives located several Shroud's assets - three transmitters with encrypted multiphasic data array and one MCR-99 espionage droid
SEN-A01 Probe Droid
Old Republic Probe Droid classes
. They sent the data to Agent Riss and she was able to triangulate a signal source - it came from inside of Dealer's Den cantina. Operatives located the entrance to the back room and, using advanced macrobinocular scanners, located and disabled several security systems, including a couple of ray shield generators protecting security door console. From the inside, the back room turned out to be multi-room secret facility. Following the signal, they disabled several more security devices, and entering an adjacent room, they were attacked by a modified MX-05 constructor droid
COLB-A02 Base Droid
Old Republic Colicoid-type droid classes
. They quickly destroyed the machine and continued on their way.
The door to the next room was protected by a laser defense grid. The operatives located the control console, but as soon as they deactivated the grid, they were attacked by two assassin droids - IR-5B stealth security droid
ENF-A01 Assassin Droid
Old Republic Assassin Droid classes
and IR-3K cloaked guard droid
ROGUE-A01 Assassin Droid
Old Republic Assassin Droid classes
models. The operatives defeated them both and entered the next room. The room was spacious and looked like a well-equipped communications center. Inside was a lone protocol droid
PO12 Protocol Droid
Old Republic Protocol Droid classes
, identified by the scanner as B-NK1. Hoping they could find some clues about the location, they moved closer and called for the droid. The droid turned around and, without speaking, spread its arms wide and fired a salvo of mini-missiles at the operatives. Cursing their naivete, the operatives ducked and returned fire. Drawing his arm-blades, the droid charged. Being a strong opponent, the droid could not withstand the operatives, and they soon destroyed it.
As the operatives hacked into the hideout's communications equipment, the person appeared through a holocom and began teasing the operatives that while they weren't in his employ, he had nothing to worry about. The operatives guessed that it was the Shroud himselft. Then he said he didn't really care what they did - it didn't matter - and disconnected.
Deena Riss, who was on the comm with the operatives all along, commented that it was indeed the Shroud - and she cound't believe he actually spoke to the operatives because he was not exactly the type to poke his head out. Then she said the files the operatives uncovered contained a structural assessment of government installations on Coruscant and it was certainly in line with what SIS have learned so far. She assured the operatives that her people would check on those locations, and added that she have got a list of relay points these files have been passed through. She sent the coordinates and asked the operatives to continue their search.
See also
Related organizations
Strategic Information Service (SIS)StructureCharactersDeena Riss
The Shroud's NetworkStructureCharactersThe Shroud (Leader)DroidsCOLB-A02 Base DroidMX-05 Constructor DroidsRolesLeaderThe ShroudWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsGrapple GunMX-05 Constructor DroidsConcussion Charge GeneratorMX-05 Constructor Droids
Republic OperativesStructureCharactersVoidhound
Related units, characters and other technologies
VoidhoundMembershipRepublic OperativesVoidhound's XS Freighter
Deena RissMembershipStrategic Information Service (SIS)
The ShroudMembershipThe Shroud's NetworkLeader
COLB-A02 Base DroidUsed by / onThe Shroud's NetworkMX-05 Constructor DroidsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsGrapple GunMX-05 Constructor DroidsConcussion Charge GeneratorMX-05 Constructor Droids
ENF-A01 Assassin Droid
ROGUE-A01 Assassin Droid
PO12 Protocol Droid
SEN-A01 Probe Droid
Voidhound's XS FreighterCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersVoidhound
LeaderMembershipThe Shroud's NetworkThe Shroud
Complete list

Full unit name: The Shroud's Gambit Last updated: 29.08.2024 23:57:48